The Czech Philharmonic 2021/2022
Our fantastic, wishful vision of a new concert hall for the Czech Philharmonic, which started to determine the visuals of the first domestic ensemble last season, shifted this year from exterior architectural sketches to ideas about acoustic solutions. Acoustics are at the heart of a concert hall and at the same time represent one of the most fascinating places where design meets science. So, as samples spread out on a table in an architectural studio, this year's graphics visualize acoustic principles and examine different surfaces in terms of ideal sound distribution, but also in terms of circulation of meanings that are visible and tangible. (The obligatory egg boxes were eventually skipped). Meanwhile, to our great surprise, the dream of the Vltava Philharmonic in the Prague municipality unexpectedly fast-tracks to preparations for an actual international architectural competition.
Client: Česká filharmonie,
Designer: Marek Pistora, Michal Nanoru, Aleš Najbrt, Zdeněk Trinkewitz
Production: Adéla Pěchočová
Font: Baskerville,
Year: 2021