Černický finished his Dolby at the studio
Dolby Painting summarizes a major part of the work of the prominent Czech artist Jiří Černický and since the book creation took several years of close cooperation between the artist and his court designer Marek Pistora and its layout is one of its vital components, we christened it in our studio. The book is covered with raw canvas so that the artist can finish it using one of his signature techniques of mixing glue (his Hilti gun is significantly better than your Bauhaus one!) and various wastes. This time it was mainly remains of the sewing kit given to Černický by the late Ms. Gottvaldová (who rode a Harley already before the war). A stamp with the book’s title hand-carved our Jirka Veselka and Jirka Černický licked it before each use to not stick to the book. Nothing else works, he has it well tried. Parties shall continue.
Related authors: Marek Pistora, Jiří Veselka,