We distribute Work That Works
Works That Work, “a magazine of unexpected creativity” is dedicated to design as a functional solution, rather than a decoration. Editor Peter Biľak (Typotheque) presents ideas receptive of actual needs, from amateur soccer balls to the process that made Boeing 747 the most successful commercial airplane to an Indian man, who was gradually rejected by his wife, mother and village, but who over seven years of work developed a sanitary pad and a business model that brought both better hygiene and work to thousands of Indian women. WTW, however, came with one solution of its own. It bypasses dealers who routinely snatch 80 percent of the magazines’ price and instead engages readers like you. Or us. Anyone can sign up and sell the magazine. Or just bring it from one of the vending locations to his or her local coffee shop, bookstore or salon. We have jumped in and if you come to us for one of the last three issues, we can talk about it some more. It’s 250 CZK. You can buy also on-line at MojeMoje.com
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