Out of curiosity, set out to discover how are children and parents in the Czech Republic served by the scene of small brands Zuzana Lednická became a co-organizer of the festival mini. And she found that the alternative to the standard menu is quite large, almost as much as her organizing competences. Zuzana used the opportunity of being her own client to design a logo that gradually minimizes to m with dots, but in line with the idea of alternatives and childlike exuberance is completely unsystematic and was already used in three different variants. In addition to the logo, each year it will be necessary to find an object that would become a symbol for the year while the children could take it with them. This year it was a red balloon, the mythical object of desire that every child immediately wants, but knows it can always easily blow out or fly away. Besides the homage to the cult of the French 1956 film The Red Balloon, on the festival visual the balloons were laden with iconic objects – every child wants to fly away, ideally with all his favorite things. The principle of versatility and lavishing only ideas continues in the program, which can be folded into a captain's hat, or used as a coloring sheet, and the minimeter where everyone can learn their height, but it also serves as a guestbook. The festival wristbands for individual days substituted the policy statement of the event and an adequately long discussions guided their choice – in the end Zuzana pushed through "the hour of three lollipops" from The Hour of Blue Elephants, "HIPY PAPY BTHUTHDTH THUTHDA BTHUTHDY" from Winnie the Pooh, "echo, where are you?" from The Secret Garden, Tereza Bruthansová defended "How long is forever?" from Alice in Wonderland and Kamila Hexnerová to "draw me a sheep" from the Little Prince. Zuzana had more up her sleeve, like mirrored names and meaningless equations with incorrect numbers. But there were only five days. There will be more next year.
Designer: Zuzana Lednická, Zdeněk Trinkewitz
Art director: Zuzana Lednická
Cooperation: Petr Karšulín (foto)
Font: Typewriter, Zirkel,
Type: Poster, Brand, Web, Festival, Program,
Year: 2016