Protokol (The Minutes)
Times New Roman, bold, centered. Only that much is needed for the amateur administrative style of building notice boards about the elevator (don’t overload! / to be repaired soon) and the need for consistent locking (keep us all safe!), or flyers advertising private English tutoring, parking places and rabies vaccines or a man with a van. Its default dryness, when elevated to a poster in the context of seductive urban lightboxes, commands the urgency of a Department of Sanitation decree, or a flat-out disaster announcement. Add the omnipresent A-size format and the most basic office paper across outputs and the program as a subpoena. What else for a toxic comedy with the subtitle “we all defend our family”, set in a seemingly mundane city council meeting that addresses a missing protocol.
Client: Divadelní spolek Kašpar,
Designer: Jakub Spurný
Art director: Aleš Najbrt
Font: Times,
Type: Poster,
Year: 2020