Ambiente restaurants 2023

Marie B

Marie B. Svobodová published her cookbook in 1894 and it had become the "Bible" for Tomáš Karpíšek and the chefs of this and other Ambiente restaurants.

And we want to establish ourselves with our brand right now, not only among other restaurants, but also among the tags that decorate an entrance to this new restaurant.

Therefore, we created a typographic combination that is a bit decadent and at the same time it is bright as Anselm Reyle's sculptures in the interior of the restaurant.

Design by Jakub Spurný and Aleš Najbrt, Interior by Olgoj Chorchoj


The Burger Service logo evokes a classic service station on the outskirts of town. They change your oil there too.

And our stuffed mascot slightly resembles a Michelin tyre mascot. But our mascot turns into many colorful forms depending on which burger you take away from the place and how many you can eat.

Design by Tuan Vuong and Jonatan Kuna, Interior by Zdeněk Rychtařík


The former Eska restaurant has been named after its chef Martin Štangl now and we tried to design a brand that expresses a certain delicacy and supports the next challenging path that Štangl's team have set themselves for.

A vertical line instead of a classic hooklet pointing to the letter S is like an ingredient put in a container. This unique detail will represent this restaurant in addition to their excellent cuisine.

Design by Marek Pistora, Interior by Tereza Froňková