A network of dealerships for Volvo, Range Rover, and Jaguar vehicles with branches across the Czech Republic has decided to change its names and unify its activities under one umbrella. The new name, Autorion, was created, with the root “ion” branching into individual group members’ names – Cardion Cars, Albion Cars, and the newly introduced Orbion Cars, which sells MG electric vehicles.
An additional element of the entire identity is a heart, symbolizing the connection between the initial letters A and C of the original two group members.
The entire visual style is aimed at the future, aligning with the new car designs that emphasize simplicity and electromobility.
Designer: Jonatan Kuna
Art director: Aleš Najbrt
3D: Jonatan Kuna
Animation: Jonatan Kuna
DTP: Iveta Bláhová, Mária Černá
Cooperation: Milan Šemelák (naming), Unicorn Attacks
Font: Pepi,
Type: Application, Exterior, Brand, Magazine,
Year: 2024