Unit+Sofa is a film production company based in Prague that collaborates with directors from around the world.
The small plus in the corner of the original logo has become the central motif of its new design and the foundation for its further use. Unit+Sofa uses the abbreviation U+S, as well as just the + symbol. The subtle rounding in the symbol and some letters brings an important contrast between sharp and rounded edges to the visual style, which is primarily based on typography and bold colours. This is similar to the play on words and their combinations that we use in various applications.
Designer: David Gote, Tuan Vuong
Art director: Zuzana Lednická, Aleš Najbrt
Animation: Tuan Vuong
DTP: Mária Černá
Production: Pavlína Nebáznivá
Font: Neue Haas Grotesk, Inter,
Type: Brand,
Year: 2023