1796–1918: Art of the Long Century
The graphic design of the permanent collection of the long 19th century in the National Gallery in Prague closely follows curatorial and architectural concepts. The gray partitions of the gray walls in Veletržní Palác are complemented by a simple typographic solution with texts overflowing around the corners in a fashion true to the title of the exhibition. The sections (Man – World – Ideas and Architecture – Monument – Tombstone) are then mirrored in the three versions of the posters. Vertically, horizontally and diagonally, works like Picasso's portrait of a girl and the same motif by a Czech painter Josef Mánes are confronted – just as in the exhibition, which, rather than singular visions of individual national artists, accentuates relationships. The same principle on the covers of two language versions of the exhibition guide is rounded by the book edge with chapter titles, symbolically returning to the uniting flow of text in the exhibition.
Client: Národní galerie Praha,
Designer: Andrea Vacovská, Iveta Bláhová
Art director: Zuzana Lednická
Font: Untitled Sans,
Type: Interior, Poster, Book, Gallery,
Year: 2020