Kurt Gebauer
A catalog for the retrospective of one of the most recognizable Czech sculptors combines a cross-section of his work with detailed photo documentation of the exhibition in the Trade Fair Palace in Prague. The graphic design of the poster and brochure is dominated by the combination of the artist's favorite pink color and a typeface carved like stones that Gebauer puts together. The design of the exhibition by Marek Pistora was explained in the catalog by Ondřej Kahánek.
Client: Národní galerie Praha,
Designer: Marek Pistora, Ondřej Kahánek
Art director: Zuzana Lednická, Aleš Najbrt
DTP: Jiří Veselka
Cooperation: Jakub Přecechtěl (photo)
Font: Custom, Untitled Sans,
Type: Poster, Catalogue, Exhibition,
Year: 2020