49th IFF Karlovy Vary
The symbolic series, which began with the 47th year of the Karlovy Vary International Film Festival continues with no. 49 and confirms several years’ cycles in which the identities take place regardless of the different authors. This year it’s Marek Pistora and instantly a classic work of the studio. The number 49 turned into an (unfinished) traditional symbol for a pig as usually drawn in chalk by schoolchildren. It combines the dignity required by the film festival of category A, with certain degree of locally characteristic absurdity – Czech irreverent, but still decent humor, best understood by the festival “backpacker” visitors, but viewed as somehow strangely affable by the readers Variety as well. The bet on that festival-goers would embrace the motive and work with it until it takes on a life of its own, turned into a lines at the merchandising booths as long as those for Finnish movies’ tickets. The piglet became a household animal.
Client: Film Servis Festival Karlovy Vary,
Designer: Marek Pistora
Cooperation: Martin Chocholoušek (architecture)
Font: Circular,
Year: 2014