Naše maso (Our Meat)
Ambiente restaurants do not cook some “alien”, but “their own” sustained meat – dry-aged beef of the Czech special breed Čestr, meat from Přeštice pigs and sausages and salami, by the quality of which they stand. You can buy “their” meat and lots of other tasty things at a butcher shop in Dlouhá Street in Prague. The shop lead by a woman balances the cuteness of illustrations of Yveta Kroupová with strict typography referring to the pre-war tradition of craftsmanship and contemporary attention to the small and local. A bit from your grandma and a bit from the star butcher Kšána.
Client: Ambiente,
Designer: Anna Divišová, Zuzana Lednická
Cooperation: Yweta Kroupová (ilustrations)
Font: Brown,
Type: Interior, Brand, Web, Packaging,
Year: 2014