Before they founded Studio Najbrt in 1994, Aleš Najbrt and Pavel Lev worked in the first Czech post-revolutionary weekly Reflex. Aleš designed the logo that is still in use today for the inaugural issue in April 1990. As art director, over the next three years he created a vast number of original titles and introduced the way the magazine works with imagery. Marek Pistora took over art direction in 2001 for the next seven years. Briefcase Type Foundry today offers his font Vafle, which he added to Reflex’s repertoire, together with the Reflex typeface, created by Aleš and digitized by Marek in 2013.
Client: Reflex,
Designer: Aleš Najbrt, Marek Pistora, Aleš Najbrt, Marek Pistora, Pavel Lev
Type: Magazine,
Year: 1990